Tag Archives: relationships
Why my childhood was shit (and so was yours)
Your special invitation to be a Love Ninja
Committing to more than feelings
It is 2010 and I’m still at my old job. I sit at my desk in my office, in front of the huge windows that overlook the northern broadwalk of the White Sails Asylum. Beyond the granite tiles, the blue water of Sydney Harbour sparkles as it catches the late summer sun . I don’t… Read More
What is Self-Love? What is the Love Matrix?
The other time I had an eating disorder that you don’t know about
For the ladies searching for love
I know that you long for a man to share your experience of the world with. But at the same time you feel like this yearning is wrong and you should be happy being alone. I’m here to tell you that wanting to be with a man who loves you is the core of your feminine essence. I give you permission to want an intimate connection.
The Best Valentine’s Day in the Entire History of the Universe Ever – Year 2
[Guest Post] The Sex
You don’t deserve any of this
Why my boyfriend and I should break up
Love in the face of impossible odds
The Prime Directive of a Love Ninja
Back at the beginning of 2010 I found myself emotionally entangled in a physical relationship with a man who wasn’t my husband. I was on a journey of spiritual transformation, I had declared my life’s purpose to be authenticity and here I was telling lies to everyone. I lied to my husband, I lied to my friends, and I lied in my blog posts.