Tag Archives: relationships
Warning: Healing from your eating issues might make things worse
Seek Love
I spent a long time thinking that relationships should be the variety that my parents have — a polite, comfortable, solid, long-term, come hell or high water kind of love. But something was wrong. There was an emptiness that couldn’t be filled by travelling the world, succeeding at work, sculpting my body into a size 8 or being able to buy whatever I wanted. I never felt like I belonged, I never connected with another human being.
20 Things My Momma Never Told Me About Sex
The only diet you’ll ever need : the Metabolism Mutant Makeover
Forget doing the things you love : Do the person you love
Self love — you’re doing it right
A strong and yet supple sense of who you are encourages self-reliance and autonomy. It means you are confident that the answers lie inside you instead of with someone else. It allows you to lay open your heart and fall into the heart of another without losing yourself. It lets you love your dark places without fear that they will drive people away.
Why embracing your femininity is NOT a betrayal of the feminist movement
Being a feminist doesn’t mean that you have to inhabit your masculine essence. On the contrary. It means that the feminine essence is to be celebrated as beautiful and precious. It is stripping away this belief that living from our hearts and identifying emotionally with the world is less important than being indestructible and driven.
Never say *I’m in love with you* to your boyfriend on the day your husband kills himself
Looking back, I can make the excuse that I was in shock and didn’t know what I was doing, but all I knew in that moment was that life was impermanent and everything could end in a heartbeat. There was no time to lose, there was no reason to pretend any longer. Sex and death. Connection in the face of disconnection. Love is all that matters.
I’ll have 53 minutes of French kissing please
10 Things You Should Know Before You Kill Yourself
Deep Love Strategy • How to Keep Your Partner Feeling Loved
When we are in a relationship there are three things that reinforce to us that someone is deeply in love with us. In NLP, this is called a deep love strategy. If you want to make sure that your partner continues feeling loved and connected with you, you need to find out what their deep love strategy is.