
Welcome and thank you for visiting.

Sexy  + Sassy + Silver + Straight-talking

If you are a woman who has reached a point in her life where she no longer follows the rules, then you are in the right place.

In this small corner of the internet, we believe all women are beautiful, interesting, important and sexually empowered to live however we want. We are too young to know better and old enough to not give a fuck.

Welcome home, my lovelies. Enjoy your stay.

Recent Posts

The Head•Heart•Health Manifesto

I believe that love changes everything.
I believe that intimacy is the doorway to heaven.
I believe that loving others transform our lives.
I believe that looking outward is better than looking inward.


No apologies, no regrets

Accept everything about yourself – I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets.


Embracing failure

Failure is what happens when your experience doesn’t match your big, wonderful, exciting dreams.


Love in the face of impossible odds

This article is going to be published in an Australian Weekend Magazine. Henceforth, I have removed it from my site. Sorry …  {photo source}  

work hard

An Exercise Bulimic Goes to the Gym

Getting dressed is the first step. A pair of stretchy legging with enough substance to hold me in. A sports bra that still fits and a singlet with built in support. I have boobs now that need restraining. I put on my socks and sneakers. I look in the mirror and ignore the judging voice that says I look so much bigger than the last time I wore these clothes.


The Prime Directive of a Love Ninja

Back at the beginning of 2010 I found myself emotionally entangled in a physical relationship with a man who wasn’t my husband. I was on a journey of spiritual transformation, I had declared my life’s purpose to be authenticity and here I was telling lies to everyone. I lied to my husband, I lied to my friends, and I lied in my blog posts.

Sad Man

Love the ones that need it the most

So often we judge people without knowing the full story. You never know what’s going on in another person’s life.

Sydney NYE_033

Is this the real life … is this just fantasy …?

Our New Year’s Eve was quiet. Just the two of us at home playing cards. Oh … and at 9pm and midnight we dragged ourselves to the bottom of the garden to witness the harbour fireworks.