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Sexy + Sassy + Silver + Straight-talking
If you are a woman who has reached a point in her life where she no longer follows the rules, then you are in the right place.
In this small corner of the internet, we believe all women are beautiful, interesting, important and sexually empowered to live however we want. We are too young to know better and old enough to not give a fuck.
Welcome home, my lovelies. Enjoy your stay.
Recent Posts
How to Find True Love After Divorce, written by Jenny Kanevsky, first appeared on the Good Men Project. This time you get to rewrite the…
3 Key Steps to Helping a Woman Orgasm, written by Céline Remy first appeared on her website If I were to follow the standard line…
8 Sure-Fire Ways to Destroy Your Relationship is written by Benjamin Ritter, personal and executive consultant. No matter how many times you fall in love,…
Understanding The Loss of Sexual Desire written by Sarah McMurchie, Sex and Relationship Coach, first appeared on her website. Emily Nagoski is a badass Ph.D. who…
Why I Stay Married to a Gay Man is a personal, intimate story from an anonymous author. I married young, at 19, bright-eyed and hopeful,…
Surprising Facts About Sexless Relationships, written by Scarlett Laine, originally appeared on Great Sex Inc. A good sex life it is one of the best ways to…
Whether you have just started dating someone or have been in a relationship for some time, there are three things you are doing that are destroying…
This article by Dottie Dynamo first appeared on Fit Showgirl. Time and time again, I get asked, “How did you get into burlesque?” No one…