Tag Archives: love story
The Lie of Self-Love
Love in the face of impossible odds
The Prime Directive of a Love Ninja
Back at the beginning of 2010 I found myself emotionally entangled in a physical relationship with a man who wasn’t my husband. I was on a journey of spiritual transformation, I had declared my life’s purpose to be authenticity and here I was telling lies to everyone. I lied to my husband, I lied to my friends, and I lied in my blog posts.
Should you stay or should you go? | head vs heart
self-love = safe | love = risk
Monday Movie Madness Episode 4 :: the one about sex
KatieP and her boyfriend have a heart to heart in the bedroom.
Getting (really) personal … and thinking about taking the next step
The Most Luxurious Birthday in the History of the Universe Ever
Seek Love
I spent a long time thinking that relationships should be the variety that my parents have — a polite, comfortable, solid, long-term, come hell or high water kind of love. But something was wrong. There was an emptiness that couldn’t be filled by travelling the world, succeeding at work, sculpting my body into a size 8 or being able to buy whatever I wanted. I never felt like I belonged, I never connected with another human being.
Forget doing the things you love : Do the person you love
Self love — you’re doing it right
A strong and yet supple sense of who you are encourages self-reliance and autonomy. It means you are confident that the answers lie inside you instead of with someone else. It allows you to lay open your heart and fall into the heart of another without losing yourself. It lets you love your dark places without fear that they will drive people away.
There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain … go for the pleasure
My ability to recover relatively quickly from such a traumatic event in my life was because I followed my pleasure before I took care of the pain. I concentrated all my efforts on how wonderful it felt to be with someone I could love, and who loved me even at my worst. Of course the pain seeped in and sometimes obliterated all thoughts of pleasure, but it was (and is) the happiest time of my life.