
Welcome and thank you for visiting.

Sexy  + Sassy + Silver + Straight-talking

If you are a woman who has reached a point in her life where she no longer follows the rules, then you are in the right place.

In this small corner of the internet, we believe all women are beautiful, interesting, important and sexually empowered to live however we want. We are too young to know better and old enough to not give a fuck.

Welcome home, my lovelies. Enjoy your stay.

Recent Posts

Operation Free Zone – Week Five

Hello 73’s. This week was tough as all week the scales went up instead of down. But I thought of it as a test of…

A Valentine’s Day Letter

You are a woman whose heart naturally retains a void shaped by the man who was able to love you most deeply so far, even…

Well-formed Conditions

Any time you set a goal, that goal needs to be what NLP calls well-formed. ♦ The first condition is that the goal needs to be stated…

State vs Goal and Keys to an Achievable Outcome

State vs Goal Sometimes people set goals that include a state — “when I accomplish x I will be happy”. The issue of happiness from…

Goodbye Mrs H

When my husband died I died too. Today I realised the person who walked into that house on the morning of 15 April 2010 no…

Five Principles for Success

How do we make sure that our internal representation produces the kind of state, the kind of physiology and the kind of behaviour that we…

A Pretty New Present

I got a pretty new passport. It’s all black and silver and it says my name is KatieP. I am now officially known by my…

Operation Free Zone – Week Four

Full of the PMT today – period due tomorrow although I usually only make 26 days and tomorrow is day 28. So with pre-menstrual bloat…