
Welcome and thank you for visiting.

Sexy  + Sassy + Silver + Straight-talking

If you are a woman who has reached a point in her life where she no longer follows the rules, then you are in the right place.

In this small corner of the internet, we believe all women are beautiful, interesting, important and sexually empowered to live however we want. We are too young to know better and old enough to not give a fuck.

Welcome home, my lovelies. Enjoy your stay.

Recent Posts

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a respectable body of knowledge that has a background in a number of intellectual disciplines. NLP draws on general semantics,…


The NLP Communication Model

{photo source} This diagram represents the NLP communication model. What we’ve got is an external event that comes in from the outside, goes into your…

Riding the Wave

Sometimes when I don’t feel like writing it is because something is so wrong that I can’t find the words to express it. When that…

Operation Free Zone – Week Three

Hello 74’s. All is going well and I’m still drinking alcohol and Diet Coke and eating Indian takeaway and chocolate! I don’t have any weight…

From Disordered Eating to Intuitive Eating WITH Weight Loss

When I gave up starving/bingeing and excessive exercise in 2009 and embarked on learning Intuitive Eating, I only wanted one thing. I wanted to be…

Customer Service at the RTA

“I am recently widowed and I want to change the name on my licence back to my maiden name” I told the lifeless, bored young…

Operation Free Zone – Week Two

I decided to do a proper weight update, mostly for consistency so I can look at my progress all in one place. Today was my…

When You Run Out of Options

I started an online conversation with a man who is blogging one long suicide note to his wife. I wanted to tell him what killing…