Operation Free Zone – Week 15

You’re not getting a weight loss ticker today because my weight is playing silly buggers.

I have what I like to call the “Easter Infection” — the one that you get down there from shagging like rabbits as prescribed by the ancient pagan fertility rituals we now call Easter. It means I’m bloated and blocked up from too many pain killers.

This morning’s weigh in was 71.00 kg. Not the result I was hoping for after I working through my food cravings without giving in. Oh well …

I’ll leave you with a something I liked –

Intuitive eating is not anti {insert some sort of food lifestyle here}

Being an intuitive eater doesn’t mean you can’t be gluten-free, dairy free, vegan, high raw, whatever. In fact, I believe that each of us must explore all sorts of eating styles to find the one that works for us. I do not believe that one way of eating works for everyone, we are all individuals and have to find a way that keeps us both mentally and physically satisfied. Intuitive eating is about banishing those rules that surround the “hard core” way of thinking about such lifestyles, though. It is about making the choice to honor your body’s needs; this is particularly true when it comes to intuitive eating and health issues. And further more, opinions are like, well you know, so be your own leader in your food choices and remember that you can eat whatever feels right for you, physically, spiritually, morally and mentally.

What Intuitive Eating Is Not… Christie Inge

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing