Putting the kNOw into November

A few bloggy type girls are doing a thing in NOvember where they say NO to shit.

I’ve been training as a coach all week so forgive me if I’m blunt …

In my model of the world, I get what I focus on. And I don’t want to focus on what I don’t want because I’ll probably end up getting it.

So I am focusing on what I kNOw.

I know that my conscious mind is pretty crap out sorting out emotional issues and that I should leave it to my unconscious.

I know that I can now look back at all the major emotional events in my life without having to relive the emotional pain of those (that) moments.

I know that releasing my negative emotions wasn’t achieved by reading books, talking through my issues, going to a therapist, getting in touch with my inner child or journaling my feelings. I no longer have anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt stored up and festering in my past — without having to go anywhere near the significant traumatic event — because I was shown a way to let go easily, effortlessly and elegantly.

I know that my unconscious mind is more powerful than I ever dreamed possible.

I know that my life will never be the same. I know that I am transformed. I know that peace, love and joy are uncovered and amplified when all the shit disappears.

If you thought I was shiny before — you should see me now …

And I know that if I can do it, you can do it too.

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing