The Last of the Mysterious Lavender Bay Duckfish

The Mysterious Lavender Bay Duckfish is a shy creature, as elusive as the Loch Ness Monster. And like the Loch Ness Monster, all photographic evidence is out of focus making proof of his existence highly disputable.

Although I stare at Lavender Bay every day, I have only seen him twice. The first time, I hardly believed such a creature could exist, but the second time, I quickly snapped a photo on my mobile phone.

Behold … photographic evidence of TLOTMLBDF


“There are duckfish in Lavender Bay?” I hear you ask (as Liz did back in April). Here is the official (soon to be Wikipedia) answer …

Of course there are other wonderful duckfish living in other bays and inlets (who he keeps in touch with) but he stays in Lavender Bay to be near the love of his life in their secret underwater world. She is The Last of the Lavender Bay Rainbow Hued SeaHorses.

When they meet, he realises and understands she is different to him but in a way he finds at once interesting, absorbing, astonishing and rewarding. They share the stories of their long pasts and CONNECT and realise they have always known each other. Being rainbow hued, she is all pretty colours, very beautiful and ever so slightly iridescent. When they see each other their eyes light up as if every star in the Universe is shooting up through their bodies and shining out through their eyes.

Of course, if you’ve never seen a duckfish or a rainbow hued seahorse, you’ll have no idea what I’m on about and probably think I’m a complete nutter. They are enigmatic and elusive creatures but when you find one… …oh, when you find one… …it is something else indeed!

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing