Operation Free Zone – Week 17


The slowing down of my weight loss over the past few weeks forces me to ask “what if this is where my body is happiest? Am I now close to or at the point where I won’t release any more weight unless I employ more stringent measures? Am I willing to put in the extra effort it will require to reach and maintain the weight I have in my head as my goal?”

When I was just giving up the dieting cycle I experienced a weight increase that put me around 65kg when I was used to being in the low 60’s by counting calories and daily intense exercise. Renee, my coach at the time asked “could you live with this as the weight your body wants to be?” I was horrified. This couldn’t be where I’d end up. I was fat, squishy and ugly. Now here I am hovering around 69-70 and I ask myself the same question.

Today the answer is different. I love the way I look right now. I still have boobs, my waist is tiny and my belly is pretty much flat. I don’t look like a fitness model, I don’t have visible abs or sculptured arms but I really don’t want to look like that anymore (honest to god I don’t).

Could I live with this as the weight my body wants to be? Is this the free zone? Yes, and maybe yes. We’ll see.

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing