The Dragon Slayer


You are the hero that will slay the dragon that has imprisoned me. I can see in you a heroic quality that even you may be unaware of. You have taken on this challenge without once thinking of yourself.

It is not random luck that I have chosen you. I have met many men, but only in you do I see a hero that can slay the dragon of pain and abandonment that has kept me prisoner for so long.

Like all men who have been heroes throughout history, this journey is a part of your own destiny that will shape and change you into an even more wonderful man. You may think you are just saving me, but in reality, you are discovering your true self as well.

Every time you outlast my tantrums, my problems, my tears, and you let me know that I simply cannot scare you, what you are really doing is speaking to my dragon.

And nothing scares the crap out of my dragon like a man who can be calm and patient during its fiercest attacks.

And that’s what all of these outbursts and issues are… the attacks of the dragon that is holding me prisoner.

When the dragon realizes that it cannot get through your armor of calm and patience… it will eventually run away.

To be calm and patient in the midst of the storm… no matter how frightening it may be for me… that is exactly the masculine character that I need to finally believe that I have found the “safe place” to put my trauma.

I give my pain to you.  And you quietly and easily, throw it away.

→ photo : davesdrumworld

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing