
Welcome and thank you for visiting.

Sexy  + Sassy + Silver + Straight-talking

If you are a woman who has reached a point in her life where she no longer follows the rules, then you are in the right place.

In this small corner of the internet, we believe all women are beautiful, interesting, important and sexually empowered to live however we want. We are too young to know better and old enough to not give a fuck.

Welcome home, my lovelies. Enjoy your stay.

Recent Posts

Why your attempts at love are failing (and what to do about it)

How do you know someone loves you? No really, how do you know? Can you remember a time when you felt totally loved? When was…

why my childhood was shit and so was yours

Why no one escapes childhood intact

As part of the discussion around legalising same-sex marriage in Australia, an American woman named Katy Faust has been playing the ‘rights of the children’ card.…

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How to Make a Woman’s Blood Run Hot

I have experienced first-hand what it means to be with a man who I love emotionally, mentally and physically and there is no way I…

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Setting and Enforcing your Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are filters that protect us from behaviours we find unacceptable. A personal boundary is a rule YOU say cannot be broken without consequence. Healthy people…

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Talking Back to the Voice in my Head

The voice in my head tells me that I’m not good enough, that I could do better, if only I worked on being more loving,…

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I used to be a master of distraction (weight loss was my favourite diversion) so it took me a long to realise my marriage had disintegrated while…

Online Dating - how to survive and enjoy the first date

Online Dating • the First Date

It was late and I was just going to bed when I received an email from Jen. The subject was “HELP” with a million exclamation marks following…

Midlife isn't a downward spiral to the grave, it's a time of freedom and awakening.

7 Things No One Tells You About Your Fifties

The only thing more talked about on women’s blogs than children is The Change. Somewhere around your fifties, you stop having your period and start…