Category Archives: Head | Mindfulness
Monday Movie Madness Episode 1
Katie P meets MAC
Play Hurt
I need your help to enter The Matrix
When NO is better than YES
Figure out what really matters • Part two of the wish list exercise
Why you’ll never get over anxiety
Every time I do something outside of my comfort zone where the outcome is uncertain, I feel sick in my stomach and my heart races. Not even projecting myself into a future where it has all turned out brilliantly really works — because sometimes I fuck up what I’m doing (especially if I’ve never done it before).
Three months of boredom approaches … what to do?
I’ve started looking at my NLP and Hypnotherapy books and manuals which I will explore more over the next three months. I had forgotten how amazing this approach is. Today I thought I would share with you the difference between traditional therapy and NLP coaching. It’s great stuff.
Confession time : my book is f*cked
I don’t care what anyone else thinks (but actually I do)
How would you know if you were good enough?
It is not enough for me to tell you that none of that is true. It is not enough for you to know that you’re doing the best that you can. None of that makes a difference when the voice in your head whispers to you just before you go to sleep that you need to be richer, more nurturing, more beautiful and more loved than you are now.
Are you surviving or thriving?
There is a time for survival, when we acknowledge the pain and trauma of our lives and search for others in the same situation to give us comfort and support. But labelling ourselves as survivors is like picking at an open wound. We prod and pry inside for the reasons while reliving the details of our story over and over again. Focussing on the pain, wearing it as name tag keeps us in the same place.