Two and a half years ago I threw away everything that belonged to my married life. I started again without a toaster or a vacuum cleaner or an iron.
As I pack up the flat Duckfish and I have shared for the past two years, I feel the urge to throw more things away.
Like a snake leaving behind its skin, I’m shedding the clutter of my life.
Soon all that will be left is the new me — the one who has left her story behind in the place where it unfolded.
Reborn, renewed, released. Shedding.
Just recently done this myself… It stirred up a myriad of ghosts, and many tears. I am still feeling unsettled in my new home. I’m blaming the rampant anxiety.
Love the sound of your new home. Enjoy x
It’s tough going through old stuff, I agree. But you can’t receive something new unless you let go of the old. Here’s to fabulous new stuff 😀
Absolutely Katie! A belief I fully embrace.
When I got divorced I did the same. Everything had to go. I needed to start fresh. And I need to continue to be fresh. I am constantly de-cluttering around the house throwing things and trying not to collect more materialistic things along the way. The only thing I want to collect are memories and life experience. x
The only thing I want to collect are memories and life experience. Me too!