In An Instant (Remix)

It can happen in an instant …

Love at first sight

One moment in time and your life is transformed forever
Your world changes in a heartbeat and the change is permanent

A tragic death

One moment in time and your life is transformed forever
Your world changes in a heartbeat and the change is permanent

A single decision to pick up the phone and talk to a stranger

One moment in time and your life is transformed forever
Your world changes in a heartbeat and the change is permanent

butterflyIt only takes a second for your life to change. It doesn’t have to be struggle, hard work, determination or white knuckle willpower. Sometimes change happens in an instant.

And when it does, decide to hold on to the good things for as long as they last, and choose to let the bad things simply fade away. There are no guarantees that anything is forever, but the miracle of transformed thoughts and renewed attitudes can be as permanent as that feeling you have when you look into your lover’s eyes.

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing

4 thoughts on “In An Instant (Remix)

  1. Beautiful Katie. I have really been working with this in my life lately – letting go of the past. I have been realizing that as long as I keep parts of the past that were painful alive in my head, they will haunt me. I need to let them fade away and become memories of a different time. I need to not allow them to be a part of my *present* life…it is amazing what can happen in an instant, especially when it is an instant that you choose.

    1. The past is just a story we tell ourselves. We can re-write that story at any time. All we have is now — enjoy it without the baggage.

  2. Inspired by your comment about love at first sight, I wrote a blog post/short story.
    P.S. It is not really about a dress.

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