Shameless Cry for Attention

I figure if I post a blog entry then I will hit the 50,000 mark. Probably a complete waste of your time and mine, but I’m all for being the centre of attention.

I guess I should reward you for coming to this page (and if you’re reading this in email or RSS you should click over just this once to gratify my need for page views) so I shall tell you a story.

I used to get cold sores. Big ugly angry red welts on my lips. If I experienced any kind of trauma, exactly 2 days later I would have a huge blister to commemorate the event.

Louise Hay in You Can Heal Your Life says that all illness is a result of trapped emotions. Any affliction around your lips and mouth indicates that you are holding in your words, and won’t or can’t speak of your true feelings. Umm … correct so far …

Then one day I stopped worrying about what people thought of me. One day I decided that it was OK to be me and I didn’t have to keep my ideas and opinions to myself. I began to talk (and Duckfish says that I never stop) and I let all that suppressed emotion find a voice.

I haven’t had a cold sore since. Not even after the most traumatic day of my entire life. Not a thing. I speak my truth. Beautiful and ugly words each have their worth. I no longer keep my mouth shut for fear of offending or disappointing “them”.

If my thoughts, feelings and attitudes can eliminate a virulent incurable herpes virus, what else can they do?

There is also the story of my unfeasibly dry elbows … which somehow are now smooth and moist but in this instance I can’t find any profound reason for the change except that Duckfish was practising hypnosis on me and as a joke told my unconscious mind to make my elbows smooth and it worked.

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing