Let Me Count the Ways

What I feel for you is beyond love … let me count the ways you transport me to places I have never been before …

I love

the sound of your voice

the colour of your eyes

that small dent above your hip

how you wash mushrooms and iron your t-shirts

the sound of your laugh

how you never left my side for 4 whole days after the suicide

how you phone god and ask him what the point of nits is

the nicknames you have for me – KatiePie, Hurricane, Rainbow Hued Sea Horse

the way you love your kids

the way you still love me after seeing me at my very worst

the flowers you sent on my first day back at work

your smell (oh god it is SO good)

non penetrative kiss sex (NPKS)

how you scratch my back

the way you slide on my kitchen floor in your socks

your amazing but false facts

how you cook my eggs on Sunday mornings

your breath

… you’ll do duckfish man …

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing