10 Strategies to Curb Your Holiday Eating*

*or how to hold on to your authentic self in the midst of the kids being home from school, being stuck with your husband 24/7 and having to visit your family who are always so vocal about how you look.

beyond the rocks{photo source}

These 10 strategies were stolen from an email I received with the usual dieting advice. I have transformed them for women like you who have given up dieting and are now honouring their bodies by listening to them.

1) Have a plan.
The plan consists of only one thing — take good care of yourself. Continue to write in your journal, blog, meditate, talk a walk, listen to podcasts or whatever you do to keep yourself grounded. Take time out each and every day to nurture your spirit.

2) Stay conscious.
Be aware of the thoughts and feelings that arise when you are under stress. Watch them pass by like leaves floating on a river. Let go of the stories, the history, the old wounds and cherish the present moment without all the baggage. Put the suitcase down.

3) Don’t arrive ravenous.
Don’t restrict before you arrive at a holiday feast or a party. If you overindulge, just wait until you’re hungry again before you eat the next meal.

4) Stick to one plate.
Start off with a small amount of the foods you love. Eat them slowly and mindfully noticing when the deliciousness wears off. When that happens move on to another small portion of something else. Yes, you can go back for seconds.

5) Stick to three bites of rich desserts.
… and then three more bites if that is what you truly want. If you’re too full, save some for later — take it home — there is nothing better than cake for breakfast during the holidays.

6) Move your body.
Take advantage of the time you and your husband have off from work to have more sex. There is nothing naughtier than shagging in your parents house, or in a tent, or under the stars. Make it your mission to double the normal amount of intimacy you would have in a normal week.

7) Don’t be concerned with weight loss.

8) Focus on the joy of the gathering.
Love your family and friends. Time is short, you never know if this will be the last time you see them.

9) Stay mindful of unpleasant emotions surfacing and plan to attend to them later
Just notice your emotions and notice where they settle in your body. Explore them with curiosity and openness. Choose to move towards the people you love in spite of the unpleasant feelings.

10) Carve out some quality alone time.
See (1) but remember that being with the people you love gives life meaning. Be with them as much as you can even though it might get difficult and uncomfortable sometimes.


Do you have any holiday advice I might have missed — especially the tried and true dieting rules that you can re-write? Who can name one of the famous people in the photo?

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing

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