About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing

11 thoughts on “Suicide Widow – The Film

  1. wow..that was very moving Katie…very well put together. You’ve been through so much, it’s good of you to share and get it out there-and in such a moving and artful way.

    So sorry that you had to go through it(are still going through it)-and how awful of his family to blame you. As you said, nobody is to blame for someone elses actions-be it suicide or anything else.

    I don’t know if they give out awards for these types of short vids-but you should win one.

    1. Thanks Raechelle
      Although I could never wish it on anybody, on some level I believe that things happen because it is our soul’s choice which is always perfect. His soul chose to go, and my soul chose to go through the experience of losing him. There are so many things I have learned about myself and about life. I am a different person now — more patient, more loving, more peaceful, it makes you treasure every moment of every day and to not get upset about things that don’t matter.
      Thank you for your compliment, I was hoping that there was a sense of beauty in the face of pain.
      K x

  2. Katie, I find myself wanting to say the documentary is “beautiful”, but don’t know if that is the right choice of words…certainly poignant and moving.

    If you don’t mind, I’d like to mention something that happened to me, which I was reminded of in your words. Eight years ago, our third daughter was still-born. That is also a subject that is “taboo” in my experience. You do NOT talk about it, when you are asked how many children you have, what do you say? My reaction is to say “Three, two are here and one is not” but that scares people, it makes them uncomfortable…pregnant mothers avoid you, in case you resent their healthy pregnancy, mothers of babies avoid you, in case you’re jealous, mothers of toddlers avoid you, in case you decide to kidnap their child…I could go on forever, and usually do 😉

    All I wanted to say Katie, is don’t stop talking about it, talk, talk and shout it out loud. Keep talking. It might help others. All the best x S

    1. Hi Sandra
      It is so sad when we can’t talk about how death affects us all. I am so sorry that you lost your daughter, and I give you your own advice – don’t stop talking about it, it might help others.
      Love K

  3. This is incredibly moving, and like Sandra says, I agree I want to also say this is ‘beautiful’. I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through before, during and after. Keep talking Katie!

  4. Hi Katie

    I watched this yesterday but was unable to comment. I have just watched it again and felt even more touched. You are so right when you say that by not talking isn’t helping. By speaking out not only are you healing and helping yourself you are being a light for others from that which you have walked. Keeping shining babe. What you’re doing is fab-u-lous!

    Love me xxx

  5. I think you’ve done an excellent job Katie. I believe people don’t talk about suicide because they don’t know what to say, rather than that they don’t want to know, though I am sure there are a few of those around the traps. Opening up and sharing helps foster understanding and empathy and also educates us about the plight of those left behind.
    Thank you,
    Liz 😉

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