Operation Free Zone – Week Twelve


The more we try to rely on willpower the more worn out it gets. Willpower may be useful to initiate a change, like in a diet, but willpower cannot ever sustain a change. And this is where the dangers lie. (just like you can go for a little while using your computer on battery power, but you can’t sustain that use.)

[…] “willpower” is a mental resource but not a very efficient one. It is quick to exhaust and cannot be used to sustain any kind of meaningful change. Let me repeat this: willpower is an inefficient fuel source of mental energy that is quick to exhaust and cannot sustain meaningful change or challenge! The way the researchers put it, is that willpower weakens and capitulates the more or longer it is called upon.

~ The Willpower Rebellion – Scott Abel

The reason I am doing so well is that this way of eating doesn’t require any willpower on my part. I just eat when I’m hungry, stop when I’m full and I eat what I want. I’m full of PMT today so the 60’s are so close I can almost taste them.


About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing