Can I Canoe You Up the River?

It was meant to look like this.


The weather forecast said showers. They lied. We had continuous rain nearly all weekend.

[this is NOT a picture of me :)]

Sea kayaking

We spent two days soaked to the bone.

If you asked me if I would like to kayak up the Hawkesbury river in torrential rain, I would have said no. But having done it, I’m proud that we kept fighting and paddling all weekend.

It was Duckfish’s birthday present. A 2-day kayaking adventure that promised idyllic beaches and overnight camping in luxury. It was a great big adventure, but not quite idyllic or luxurious.

We are now home, exhausted, muscle sore and finally dry. It was fun. Happy birthday Duckfish – there is no-one else I’d rather be wet and muddy in a tiny two man tent with.

kayak trip

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing

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