Exposed – 1 Year Anniversary


Almost one year ago I posted a picture of myself in my underwear as part of the EXPOSED movement started by the gorgeous Mish.

I don’t look like that any more … I’m a little heavier but I don’t mind – it’s kind of irrelevant.

This year, instead of exposing my body, I’m exposing my soul. In the past twelve months my life has changed beyond recognition because I made the decision to live with an open heart.

I no longer obsess about what I eat and exercising and no longer think about food all the time.

I live in the moment, enjoying right now instead of suffering hunger and exhaustion in order to achieve the perfect body sometime in the future.

I left my loveless marriage after 16 years and I am now living with the wonderful Duckfish who I love to distraction and who adores the real me, not the sanitised good girl version of me.

I love my life — the bad days are better than my good days ever were.

There is adventure and passion to look forward to — a holiday in Fiji for my birthday, becoming a NLP master practitioner, a proper Christmas with a tree for the kids …

My heart is for giving love  utterly and completely without reserve.

My arms are for embracing the world and the changes each day brings.

My belly is for feeding and nourishing myself with tenderness and forgiveness.

My legs are for walking into the light, leaving the darkness and confusion behind.

It hasn’t been easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Exposing myself by living my authentic truth has transformed my life in ways that having the perfect body never could.

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing