The Sweetest Song

A woman’s song is her truth. The expression of her innermost thoughts and feelings is the sweetest song she can sing and it should not be muted.

Many women who struggle with disordered eating fail to hear the sweetness of their own song because they are too busy listening to the singing of others. Rather than searching for the essence of who they are and expressing it in their own voices, they allow others to define the conditions of their existance for them.

Because they feel so disconnected from themselves, they cling desperately to their relationships with others to provide the nourishment they need. Cautious of anything that might be disruptive to the relationship, they discard their own ideas and values and see their own song as threatening. By being unable to listen to and respond to their own needs, they become depleted rather than nourished in their relationships.

And so they turn to food. Much of the time they are unaware that they once had a voice that could sing a song so sweet it could fill their hearts with joy. And so they look for joy in eating or in losing weight. To be free, to find true nourishment they must reclaim their own voices and refuse to participate in relationships that do not value their songs.

Anita Johnston

About KatieP

Embracing my midlife sexy while exploring modern love & relationships • Devoted to all things beautiful • Master of Arts in creative writing & non-fiction writing